We’re app developers.

Apps are great. We love them. But not all apps are the same. At Rogerwilco we prefer progressive web apps to native apps.

{4.1m} apps in the Apple and Android app stores (2018)
{60%} are never downloaded
{80%} time spent in top three apps
{50%} of all apps will be PWAs by 2020 (Gartner)
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Why use a progressive web app?


Apps that aren't apps

PWAs can be installed on a phone’s home screen, they run offline and they can send push notifications. But they don’t need to be submitted to app stores for approval - and you only need one (instead of one for iOS and another for Android).


Small form factor

Progressive web apps have a very small form factor, requiring minimal data to install, which is a key consideration for brands wanting to engage developing market audiences. Twitter’s iOS app is over 100MB. Its PWA version is just 0.6MB.



And PWA’s are much easier to find than native apps. With effective search engine optimisation you’ll find your app appearing in Google’s search engine results pages (which should ensure yours isn’t one of the 60% that never get downloaded).

Why use a progressive web app?

Apps that aren't apps

PWAs can be installed on a phone’s home screen, they run offline and they can send push notifications. But they don’t need to be submitted to app stores for approval - and you only need one (instead of one for iOS and another for Android).

Small form factor

Progressive web apps have a very small form factor, requiring minimal data to install, which is a key consideration for brands wanting to engage developing market audiences. Twitter’s iOS app is over 100MB. Its PWA version is just 0.6MB.


And PWA’s are much easier to find than native apps. With effective search engine optimisation you’ll find your app appearing in Google’s search engine results pages (which should ensure yours isn’t one of the 60% that never get downloaded).