We help organisations select vendors

Knowing which questions to ask when you’re buying a martech stack or comparing bids for a complex web build project is tough work if you’re not an expert. Our consultants can guide you through the vendor selection process.

{29%} proportion of CMOs budget allocated to martech (Gartner)
{11} vendor selection processes we’ve been involved with
{99.9bn} spend on martech in 2019 (Warc)
{7,040} products on the 2019 Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic
Contact us

Our approach to vendor selection


If it was easy, you wouldn’t need a consultant to assist you. A core aspect of our vendor selection process is about demystifying vendor jargon so you can compare features and benefits.


While we’ll guide you on the decision making process, we won’t make the final vendor selection decision for you. Instead, we’ll set up a truly collaborative process to ensure you make the right choice.

Scorecard based

Choosing a vendor is complex as no two offerings are identical. Our weighted scorecard-based selection process ensures you can compare apples with pears and align their solutions with your requirements.

Our vendor selection services


We’ve consulted on a variety of website vendor selection exercises in the not for profit sector, guiding clients through a tech frameworks and analysing bids. To level the playing field, we’ve also provided detailed projects specs against which vendors quote.


They say the devil is in the detail and this is especially true when it comes to choosing the right analytics programme for your business. Data is our bread and butter and we’ve translated our understanding of cloud based analytics solutions into a vendor selection service.